
Liz Parker is shot when her parents restaurant is robbed. Max Evans races over from a nearby table and uses his powers to save the life of his long-time crush. Liz of course has lots of questions about how Max saved her. He reveals the truth to Liz jeopardizing the well kept secret about himself, his sister Isabelle and their friend Michael Guerin.

Learning that Max, Isabelle, and Michael are survivers from the 1947 Roswell UFO crash is overwhelming for Liz. She confides in her best friend Maria Deluca who is completely freaked out. Max, Isabelle, and Michael hope they can trust Liz and Maria to keep their secret.

Liz's boyfriend Kyle Valenti, son of the town sheriff, becomes suspicious when he notices a glowing handprint on her abdomen.

Sheriff Valenti questions Liz and Max about the restaurant robbery. He knows that a shot was fired from a gun, but the bullet was not found. Liz and Max don't provide satisfactory answers for the Sheriff. He's pretty certain they're hiding something and is determined to uncover the truth.

'Roswell' Episode#1 - THE PILOT - Air Date: 10/06/99