
Michael and Valenti help max into the 'getaway car' driven by Liz. They head to their designated meeting place. Agent Pierce and his men chase them and shoot at them from behind. They run Max and Liz off the road. Max and Liz jump out of the car and run for their lives. Pierce and his men chase them on foot and in vehicles. Max and Liz hold hands and jump off a bridge into a body of water to escape Pierce.

Liz and Max find safety in an abandoned shack. When they kiss, Liz sees some of the horrible things that Pierce did to Max. Liz says she wishes Max had never saved her life - that's when all the trouble began. Max tells her that was the day his life began. Knowing her has made him human. He says he loves her and his destiny is with her.

Tess yells at Isabelle and Michael and asks how they could leave Nasedo. Isabelle and Michael's greatest concern was rescuing Max. They arrive at the meeting place and realize Liz and Max haven't arrived. Valenti and Michael retrace the route to search for Liz and Max. They find them running on foot being chased by Pierce in his vehicle. Michael jumps out of the car and stretches out his hand and stops Pierce's vehicle. Liz and Max jump into Valenti's SUV. Max asks Michael what he did. Michael says he doesn't know - just that it stopped Pierce.

Valenti says he thought Max was the only alien - now he knows Michael and Isabelle are as well. Valenti says now Max has to tell him everything. Max tells him they don't know where they're from or why they're here. Max wonders if Valenti will turn them in now that he knows the truth.

Isabelle tells Michael he's changed everything, now that Valenti has seen him use his powers. The aliens Michael and Isabelle contemplate leaving Roswell. Maria tells Michael she's staying with him and Alex tells Isabelle the same. Max says they're not going anywhere - they're taking their lives back. If they run, Pierce will only continue hunting them. Max tells them they have to fight - they may be stronger than they think they are - they're certainly stronger than Pierce thinks.

Sheriff Valenti overhears Pierce giving orders to his men to search for Valenti and the aliens as well as to keep an eye on Valenti's son, Kyle. Max goes to Valenti's house. He punches the agent knocking him out, and locks him in a closet. Max tells Kyle to stay put - his father doesn't want him involved. Max leaves. Of course Kyle doesn't listen. He grabs one of his father's guns and follows Max.

Valenti goes to Pierce and tells him he's afraid for himself and his son. Pierce doesn't believe him. Valenti tells Pierce he knows the alien's plan - they're disabeling Pierce's men. Pierce tries to contact his men via radio and doesn't get an answer. Pierce says he wants the aliens. Valenti makes a deal with Pierce. He'll take Pierce to the aliens if Pierce promises he and Kyle will be protected. He also wants a government pension for himself and his elderly father. Pierce says he'll give them all new identies.

Valenti takes Pierce to the UFO Center. Max and Michael take their guns and hand cuff them. Max tells Valenti that he can't believe he ever trusted him. They take Valenti to another room and uncuff him. Valenti was part of the plan to get Pierce.

Max questions Pierce about Nasedo. He asked what happened to him and where he is. Pierce refuses to answer Max's questions. Isabelle is able to penetrate Pierce's thoughts to find out where Nasedo is. She tells everyone that he's dead. Tess says he can't die. He once told her that if anything like this ever happened to contact Riverdog to get the healing stones. Isabelle and Maria tell Tess they already have the stones - they've used them before. Now, all they need is Nasedo.

Kyle sneaks around the UFO Center and finds Pierce. Pierce tells Kyle that Max has his father and convinces Kyle to untie him and hand over the gun. When Max and Michael return with Valenti, Pierce shoots at them. Valenti pulls out his gun and shoots at Pierce. Michael stretches out his hand and causes Pierce to be thrown across the room and slam into a wall killing him. Valenti examines Pierce's gun and realizes it's one from his house. He looks around and discovers Kyle has been shot in the cross-fire. Valenti begs for someone to help him and his dying son. Max heals Kyle's bullet wound the same way he healed Liz when she was shot at the Crash Down. Kyle wakes up and asks what the hell just happened. Valenti says he doesn't care who they are or what they are - he's thankful and says he will be there for them.

Michael is freaked out about killing Pierce. He asks what kind of person he is to be able to kill people. He says Max heals people, while he kills them. He says it's not safe and he needs to leave. Maria reminds him that it's never been safe - he needs her and she needs him. She asks why it's so easy for him to throw her away while Max and Liz can't bare to be apart. Michael says maybe he loves her too much - he's afraid of what he might do and he doesn't want to hurt her.

Max,Isabelle,Michael,Tess and Liz go to get Nasedo's body. Max tells Liz he doesn't want to make her do this. Liz tells him he's not making her do anything - they choose their own destinys. They knock out Pierce's agents who've been guarding Nasedo's body and take it to the cave where their pods are located. They gather in a circle around Nasedo's body - each holding a healing stone. They see Nasedo's form change back & forth from the last agent he shape-shifted into, Harding, and his original alien form. Once Nasedo is fully revived he appears as 'Harding' again. Tess says she knew he wouldn't leave them. Nasedo says they aren't ready to be left alone. They ask Nasedo to show them how the orbs/communicators work. He tells them it's not his job to show them how they work - his job is to keep them alive. Michael thinks the orbs will help them contact their home planet. He asks why Nasedo doesn't want to contact them. Nasedo says they don't know who else they'd be contacting in the process. Isabelle asks who else is out there. Nasedo says it they set off the orbs they might be leading whoever is out there straight to them. Max asks who their leader is. Nasedo looks at Max and then everyone else turns his way. They look confused.

Nasedo shape-shifts to look like Pierce so that he can take over Pierce's special unit of agents. By impersonating Pierce, they will have access to all of the resources. Nasedo leaves the cave. They hold the two orbs next to one another and focus their energy. A bright blue light is released from the orbs and a woman appears. It's Max and Isabelle's mother. She speaks to them in human form since it is what they're accustomed to. She tells them they have lived before - the died in the conflict that enslaves their planet. They're essence was duplicated/cloned and mixed with human genetics so that they could be recreated into human beings. Max was the beloved leader of their people. Their mother sent his young bride, Tess to be with him. She sent Max's second in command, Michael to be with Isabelle. She tells them their enemies have come to earth and they will know their enemies only by the evil within. They must learn enough to use their skills, knowledge and leadership to combat the enemy so that they can come back and free their people. She says she can't wait to hold them in her arms again.

Michael says he always knew there was something out there - he just never knew how important it was. Max tells them things will never be the same. Whatever happens they have to stay together - it's the 4 of them now. Tess says it was meant to be. Max tells Liz that everything he told her is true. Liz tells Max he has a destiny and she can't stand in the way of it. Max tells her she means everything to him. They kiss. Liz says goodbye and leaves the cave. Max outside after her. Michael grabs his arm and tells him he has to let her go. Liz looks back at him one last time before running down the trail. Tess and Isabelle join Max and Michael outside. Tess asks,"What happens now?" As Max,Isabelle, Michael and Tess stand there, they are unaware that all over the world communicators are bleeping and lighting up. A guy in another city driving a car and holding a communicator says 'it' has begun.

'Roswell' Episode#22 - DESTINY - Air Date: 5/15/00