
Max throws a surprise birthday party for Isabelle at the Crash Down Cafe. Isabell had plans with geologist, Grant. He gives her purple long-stemmed roses - Isabelle's favorite. Isabelle notices he has blood on his neck. She wipes it with a napkin. He tells her it must have happened when he slipped down a ravine on a dig earlier that day. She gets a flash when she sees the blood on the napkin. He tells her it obviously isn't a good time for a date. Isabelle tells him he's welcome to stay for the party. He tells her he has some samples to drop off at the lab and he'll call her. She has another flash of a speeding car screeching down a dark road.

Liz finds a file with cds of recorded phone conversations in Congresswoman Whitaker's office. She listens to one where she's talking to Maria.

Max tells Isabelle not to date Grant because it's too dangerous to let anyone new in. She reminds him about when he let Liz in. He tells her that was different. Isabelle tells him she can date someone and keep her mouth shut, but Max can't. Max tells her that was the past, now they have to think about the future. Isabelle tells Max he may be the king but she's not bowing down to him in this lifetime. She has another flash. Max asks her what's wrong. She tells him she's had a headache on and off all day. Maria comes in and tells Isabelle there's a policeman outside asking for her. Max tells her she'd better go. Alex is dressed as a policeman he dances and strips. Isabelle and friends are enjoying his performance. He gets as far as ripping his shirt off and dancing suggestively in front of Isabelle before he notices Isabelles mother. Alex is so embarrassed . He yells at Maria for convincing him to humiliate himself.

Max tells Michael he thinks Isabelle may be getting serious about the geologist. Michael tells Isabelle that Max is right - she shouldn't date Grant. Isabelle asks if she's supposed to just be alone for the rest of her life and not date anyone. Michael tells her she's not alone. He tells her she doesn't belong with Grant. Isabelle reminds Michael that she belongs with him, but she doesn't think either one of them wants to think about that too much. She has another flash. Michael asks her what's going on. Isabelle tells him it's nothing. Everyone sings happy birthday to Isabelle. She begins to see and hear a bloody bruised face Tess begging for her help.

She tells Michael and Max that it was like she was right there with them hurt and crying for help. Isabelle says she's in danger. Michael says it's got to be Nasedo's killer who's after her. Max says they should start with the geologist since he came to the Crash Down bleeding. Isabelle says Grant has nothing to do with it. Maria and Liz come to the back room. Max says he'll be the judge. Liz and Maria come to the back room. Liz tells them they have a problem. Whitaker has been taping her phone conversations at work and she's invited herself to the party. Liz wonders why Whitaker hasn't busted her yet. Michael says maybe she hasn't given up alien hunting at all. They think Whitaker may have something to do with Tess's disappearance. Max tells Michael to search Whitaker's office and tells Isabelle to stay at the Crash Down and make sure Whitaker stays as well. Isabelle wants to go after Tess since she's the one who had the vision. Max tells her to let him take care of it.

Isabelle opens her gift. The first box contains a little green alien figure. She asks who it's from. No one answers. She has another vision as she opens the second gift. Her mother asks what's wrong. Isabelle says she's had a headache all day. She tells her mother she's going to get some aspirin from the back room. Liz and Maria follow. They ask if she's had another vision. Isabelle asks Maria for her car keys or drive her to look for Tess. Liz says she doesn't trust Tess. Isabelle asks Liz to trust her. Liz reminds Isabelle that Max told them not to leave. Isabelle remins Liz that Max isn't there to stop them. Liz says she'll come with them. Isabelle tells Liz she has to cover for her. Isabelle and Maria leave and Liz returns to the party.

Max calls the last number that dialed Tess's cell phone and pretends to be with the phone company. Grant was the last person who called Tess's phone. Max and Valenti search Grant's place. He comes in and asks what they're doing there. Valenti draws his gun and asks Grant when was the last time he saw Tess Harding. Grant says he barely knows her. Max asks why he called Tess's cell phone. Grant says he wanted to ask her what gift to get for Isabelle and she told him purple roses were Isabelle's favorite. Valenti tells Grant Tess is missing. Grant says maybe they should be out looking for her instead of harassing innocent people. He asks Valenti if he has a search warrent. Valenti says he can get one. Grant tells him to get out.

Michael finds photos of the new waitress in Whitaker's office. He goes back to the Crash Down and confronts her. He tells her he found photos of her in Whitaker's office and asks if she's working with Whitaker. She says she isn't. Michael asks why Whitaker is watching her. She tells him she used to date Whitaker's stepson and she made her promise never to see him again. She suspects Whitaker is just making sure she keeps that promise.

Isabelle and Maria find the wrecked car from Isabelle's vision. Tess is gone. Liz finds shed skin on the ground near the car. They get back into Maria's car and follow car tracks on the ground that lead to a power plant. Isabelle says Tess is inside and she's going in after her. Maria tells her they have to get Max and Michael - she doesn't think they should go in alone. Isabelle tells Maria she's going inside and that Maria should go and get Max and Michael. Isabelle finds Tess lying on the floor. She helps her up and begins to head out of the power plant. She hears strange noises and sees a bright light coming from behind a door. It's Whitaker. She says she was mistaken - it was Isabelle she was looking for all along. Isabelle asks why she took Tess. Whitaker says she thought Tess was Isabelle - neither one of them looks like they did in the other life. Isabelle asks what she wants. She tells Isabelle that her kind can't exist on earth like they can - they don't have the DNA. All they have are the skins. Their limit is 50 years and her time is almost up. She demands that Isabelle tell her where the granolith is. Isabelle has no idea what she's talking about. Whitaker says she know's the four of them , the royalty they tried to save by sending them to earth, are hiding it. Whitaker demands that Isabelle help her. Isabelle says 'never.' She tells Isabelle she did before and she will again. Isabelle figures out that Whitaker killed Nasedo. She tells Isabelle she did it to save Isabelle from the other three and that Isabelle belongs with her kind. Isabelle tells her she's not one of them. Whitaker realizes Isabelle doesn't remember the past. She tells Isabelle her name was Valandra in the other life and she was even more beautiful than she is now. She had a great love, and for him she betrayed her brother and her entire race. She tells Isabelle she sacrificed everyone , even herself. Isabelle doesn't believe her. Isabelle runs with Tess. Whitaker chases them. Whitaker threatens to destroy Isabelle and Tess with electrical energy. Isabelle warns her to get away from them. Isabelle forces the energy back to Whitaker causing an explosion . Whitaker's ashes float all around them. Max and the others arrive. Isabelle tells Max Whitaker killed Nasedo. Isabelle says she's needs to be alone. She goes to the pods for some answers. She asks if she betrayed her family. Frustrated , Isabelle slams a rock to the ground. A doorway opens. Isabelle goes inside. She sees the granolith Whitaker accused them of hiding.


'Roswell' Episode#25 - Surprise - Air Date: 10/16/00

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