
The aliens are visited by their duplicates from the other four pods. The dupes, living in New York City, are contacted by some other aliens from their home planet for a summit meeting. All four of them must attend the meeting, especially the leader, Max's duplicate. He has reservations about attending and decides not to go. Michael's duplicate is not happy with his decision, so he pushes him out into the street where he's crushed by a speeding truck. They steal a car. Isabel's duplicate changes the license plates from New York to New Mexico and they take a road trip. They believe that if they find Max and convince him to return to New York with them to attend the summit, they'll be able to return to their home planet.

When they first arrive in Roswell, Sheriff Valenti pulls them over for speeding. He shines his flashlight into the car and finds the sight hilarious. Michael, Isabel, and Tess's duplicates are dressed like punks. They tell him they're going to a costume party. Valenti tells them they might want to slow down a bit, to keep a low profile, especially with all that has been going on lately. Valenti notices Max isn't in the car. They explain that they're on their way to pick him up. Isabel's dupe tells Valenti they saw a strange car in front of the house and thought it might be an alien hunter. She asks Valenti if he can drive by and check it out, they'll follow him. He agrees and tells them he'll wave to let them know if everything is okay. They arrive at Max's and Isabel's house and Valenti drives off. Isabel and Michael's dupes enter the house through Max's bedroom window and look through some of his things. They find a photo of Liz and have a laugh after discovering that Max works at the UFO Center.

Max calls a meeting at the UFO center. The dupes show up. Michael, Isabel, and Tess are shocked that there are three people who look exactly like them minus the punk fashion. When Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess ask about Max's dupe, they lie and say he was accidentally run over by a truck.

Isabel and her dupe talk about their 'other' life as Valandra and how keeping the betrayal from everyone has been eating them up inside. Isabel's dupe later spills the beans to Max about Valandra and apologizes to him. Max can't believe Isabel never told him. He thought they were so close - that they didn't have any secrets from one another. Later, Isabel's dupe pretends to be Isabel. Max confronts her about hiding the truth about Valandra from him. She accuses him of being self-centered. Max decides to go to New York with the dupes.

Max visits Liz before leaving and tells her he has to make a clean break from her. They can't be friends because he still has feelings for her. She asks if he's coming back to Roswell. Max tells her that he doesn't know. Liz advises him that the granolith is very powerful and could be dangerous if the wrong people had knowledge of it's location. Max asks how she knows about the granolith. Liz tells him she can't tell him - she just knows.

Max has decided to take Tess with him to New York. At the last minute Tess's dupe decides she doesn't want to go back to New York. She tells them she's staying in Roswell. Michael's dupe asks her what's wrong with her. He grabs her and tries to make her get in the car. She asks if he's going to kill her. He lets her go. Max, Tess, and Michael and Isabel's dupes get into the car and head for New York.


'Roswell' Episode#30 - Meet The Dupes - Air Date: 11/20/00

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