
Max and Michael are out picking out a Christmas tree. A speeding car heads straight towards a little girl. Her father jumps in front of the car and pushes her to safety. The car hits the man. Max contemplates using his powers to save the man. Michael doesn't think it's a good idea. Max feels guilty for not saving the man's life. He's freaked out when he starts seeing the dead man everywhere. He tells Max he could have used his powers to save him. He reminds Max that he used his powers to save Liz Parker. Max goes to Liz for help. Liz tells him he isn't responsible for the man's death. He tells her the man is haunting him - he literally sees him. The man tells Max he needs to restore the balance.

Michael has difficulty trying to figure out what to get Maria for Christmas. He tells Isabel that he's going to get her an electric toothbrush. Isabel tells him he may as well not get her anything at all. She advises him to get Maria something she would never get herself. He buys a bumper for Maria's Jetta. He tells Isabel Maria's needed a new bumper for her car for a long time and she'd never get one for herself. Isabel offers to take Michael shopping. He tells her he's not going to obsess over getting a gift.

Maria goes out with a group caroling to families with sick children. She discovers Brody has a daughter with cancer. She later tells Liz she wants to do something to help. She thinks about marrying Brody. Liz thinks Maria's crazy. She reminds Maria that she's only seventeen. She tells Maria that the best thing she can do is to leave Brody and his daughter alone - the time they have left together is precious.

Max and Liz attend the Christmas pageant Isabel has directed. Brody's daughter is dressed as a ballerina. Max decides to heal her to restore the balance. Michael is completely against it. Max tells him he needs to do it. Isabel says all they've been through has taken a toll on all of them, especially on their human side. She and Tess support Max's decision.

Tess plays matchmaker and invites Amy Deluca (Maria's mom) over for Christmas dinner. Valenti is caught completely off guard. Kyle tells Tess it's the best Christmas dinner they've had in a long time. He tells her it's a great gift she's given to him and is dad.

Michael decides to go to the children's hospital with Max. They dress up in doctors scrubs to sneak into Brody's daughter's room. Michael stands guard outside the room. She asks Max who he is. He tells her he's just a dream and to go back to sleep. He places his left hand on her head and is right hand over the center of her chest. He sees a flashes of her from birth to the present. A nurse outside becomes suspicious. Michael gives Max a warning knock on the door. Max sees the other sick children and decides to heal them all. One kid asks if he's an Angel. Max tells her to go back to sleep. Max depletes his energy. Security guards head toward the door. Michael covers the door window and goes to help Max who's now weak and fallen on the floor. Michael asks if there is a God for Him to help them now. By the time the guards and nurse break into the room Michael and Max are gone - they fled through the window. All of the kids are out of their beds and playing. The next day the story of the healed children is all over the news and in the newspapers. Max's mother says it's a miracle. One day they were at death's door and the next they were completely healed. She tells Max and Isabel if the hand imprint left on each of the children isn't enough to get them to believe in God, she doesn't know what is.

Maria is happy with the bumper, but she thinks there's a 'real ' gift for her. Isabel had left a stack of gifts - one with maria's name on it. Michael has no idea what's in the box. He prays its's something good.Maria opens it. They're both surprised it's genuine pearl earrings. Maria tells him it must have cost him a fortune. Michael says he's sure it will.

Liz asks Max to come to midnight service with her. He tells her he'd like to, but he doesn't believe in God.

Max tells the dead guy that he'll be there for his family if they ever need him. The guy tells Max he should be with his loved ones.

Michael decides to go to midnight service. He tells Max he's had his prayers answered twice in the past couple of days. Max decides to go to midnight service. Michael sits with Maria. Max's parents and Isabel are shocked to see him. Max kisses his mom on the cheek. He finds Liz and sits next to her. She says she thought he didn't believe in God. He tells Liz he believes in her.

'Roswell' Episode#32 - A Roswell Christmas Carol - Air Date: 12/18/00

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